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Information required from Amazon Payments merchants

Providing your information to Amazon Payments Europe S.C.A. (APE) and Amazon Payments UK Limited (APUK)*

In accordance with EU regulations, Amazon Payments requires merchants to provide information about themselves and their business so they can offer Amazon Pay to their customers on their own website.

To provide the required information, please sign in to Seller Central using the email address and password associated with your account. In order to provide this information, please click Settings, and then click Account Info. From your Seller Account Information page, click each section that is highlighted in red, and provide the requested information. This information will be used to open your Amazon Payments account. We will contact you if any additional information is required.

Amazon Payments knows that you care how information about you is used and shared, and we appreciate your trust that we will do so carefully and sensibly. The Amazon Payments Privacy Notices for APE and APUK demonstrates this.

Help is available throughout the process. See answers to frequently asked questions below.


Why do I have to provide this information?

The verification of your identity is required by law for the use of a payment account. As per European Regulations and Laws, verifying your identity is required to allow you to use our payment service. You may need to provide us with certain information and/or documents as requested in order to facilitate these checks.

What will happen if I don't provide the required information?

You will not be able to offer Amazon Pay on your website if the information is not provided.

What happens if I don't want to accept the Amazon Payments agreements?

For APE*:

Accepting the Amazon Payments Europe User Agreement – Merchant Accounts, Privacy Notice and Acceptable Use Policy and other applicable Amazon policies is a condition of registering for the service. If you do not agree to these terms, you will not be able to register for your Amazon Payments account, meaning that you will not be able to offer Amazon Pay on your website.

For APUK*:

Accepting the  Amazon Payments UK User Agreement – Merchant AccountsPrivacy Notice and  Acceptable Use Policy and other applicable Amazon policies is a condition of registering for the service. If you do not agree to these terms, you will not be able to register for your Amazon Payments account, meaning that you will not be able to offer Amazon Pay on your website.

What is meant by "a legal representative of the business?"

A legal representative is a person who is authorized by your business to act on its behalf (for instance, accepting terms and conditions, opening a payment account, etc.). The representative may be an owner of the business or someone who has been granted specific powers. When you enter the legal representative's information, be sure that exactly matches with the official documentation you send to Amazon Payments.

When do I need to agree to the Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP)?

During the review of your website, Amazon will identify any potential Acceptable Use Policy issues, and if necessary will contact you. You may be asked to upload additional documents.

Information collection

What information am I required to provide?

Certain information is required, such as bank account number, personal identification details, and tax registration ID (if applicable). To provide this information, in Seller Central, click the Settings link in the upper right corner, and then click Account Info. Next, click Edit in each section that is highlighted red, and enter the requested information. When entering this information, please ensure it exactly matches the data on the official documents that you are providing to Amazon Payments. If you are planning to sell prescription medications or prescription eyeglasses, you must indicate this during registration as well.

Where can I get a copy of my business registration extract?

You can easily request a copy of your company's registration extract online by going to the website of your national or local company register. If you are registered in the United Kingdom visit the Companies House website to make your request. You will have the option to receive and download the document immediately. You may also choose to receive the document by post or collect it in person. When you have received the document, you can upload it in Seller Central.

I entered some information and now the items listed in red changed. Why?

This means that Amazon Payments needs more information to verify your identity. In some cases additional identity information is required for your Amazon Payments account, to comply with applicable legislation. Alternatively, you may have provided some information we were unable to verify so we need you to enter this portion of the information again.

How do I provide this information?

In order to provide the requested information, sign in to your Seller Central account, click the Settings link, and then click Account Info. From the Seller Account Information page, click each section that is highlighted in red. All addresses need to be entered in Latin characters.

How can I upload more than one document at a time?

Sometimes, we may require several documents from you, and this number may be greater than the number of fields present in Seller Central for you to upload the documents. If this is the case, you need to merge the documents into one document and upload it to Seller Central to review. In order to do this, you can follow one of the two methods described below:

  1. You can merge the scanned images into a Microsoft Word document and create a PDF document. The easiest way to do this is to insert JPEG images into the word document and then create the PDF document while saving the file as explained below:
  • Click Insert on the toolbar at the top of Microsoft Word.
  • Click Pictures and locate the file that you wish to add to the document.
  • Repeat the above steps with all the images that you wish to add to the document.
  • Make sure that all the images are on separate pages.
  • Click File and select Save As and then select PDF as the document type to save.
  1. You can also use Adobe Acrobat to create a PDF.

Alternatively, while scanning the documents, you can opt to create a PDF document and scan the pages to create a single document.

What if I have to update my information?

Click the Settings link, click Account Info, and then, on the Seller Account Information page, click each section that you want to update. If your information has already been verified or the verification process has not yet started, you will be able to update your information. Any updates are subject to verification. Depending on our verification results, you may be asked to provide additional information.

Why can't I edit my information?

Information cannot be updated while it is being verified.

Can I save my information and complete the form later?

Yes. The Update Wizard will allow you to resume entering data at any step in the process. Make sure you click the Submit button on each screen after entering your information.

I provided the information requested. Why has Amazon Payments requested additional information from me?

During the verification process, we may determine that you are required to provide additional information. This information is required to complete your account registration.

How will I be notified if Amazon Payments requires additional information?

If we require additional information, you will be notified via the email address provided at registration as well as via the notification field in Seller Central. You can also see what additional information is required by clicking Settings, and then clicking Account Info. Look for the sections highlighted in red.

What should I do or who should I contact if my country of establishment is not an option in the dropdown list?

If your country of establishment is not in the dropdown list, Amazon Payments is currently unable to support that country. Please check back in the future as Amazon Payments is continuously expanding the list of supported countries.

What should I do if I am unable to upload my documents using the tool provided?

Contact Seller Support if you encounter problems while uploading documents.

I do not have one of the documents requested, what should I do?

In an exceptional case when you do not have one of the documents requested, write to providing details of your case.

Why does my document need to be dated within the past 90 days?

The validity period of certain documents is defined by the administration that issues such documents: for example, registration extracts are typically valid for three (3) months. After that, the information they contain is not guaranteed to be up-to-date.

For utility bills, in order to verify an address, we require the copy of the bill to be within the last three (3) months.

What language should I enter the information in?

You can provide the information in English or in the local marketplace language; i.e., French, Italian, Spanish, or German.

Information validation

How long will it take to verify my information?

After we receive all of the required information, it will be verified as soon as possible, usually between 5-10 working days. If we need additional information from you after we have completed our verification, it may take another 5 to 10 working days from the time we receive the additional information to complete the process.

Am I allowed to offer Amazon Pay while my information is being verified?

Until your Amazon Payments merchant account and website URLs have been verified, you can only test Amazon Pay in Sandbox mode, and can’t offer Amazon Pay to your buyers. After you’ve received verification confirmation, you can activate Amazon Pay on your website.

How can I appeal Amazon's decision to decline my application?

If you are unable to open your Amazon Payments account you may appeal the decision by emailing with your reasons. We will review the appeal and inform you of our decision by email. The types of documents that are required to open your account cannot be appealed.

Additional FAQ

What information do I need to provide in the document to prove ownership of bank account?

Amazon Payments needs to verify the name and number of the bank account that you have registered with us. We do not need any transactional or credit card information. Document acceptance criteria:

  1. Account Number: The document must mention the account number and match the bank account that you have registered with Amazon Payments for disbursements.
  2. Account Holder’s Name: The name of the account holder must be mentioned in the document and it needs to match the name of the selling entity (e.g. business name).

Note: Beneficial Owner’s (e.g. shareholder’s) name will not be accepted for a business seller.

  1. Bank Name/Logo: The Name and/or logo of the bank must be clearly visible in the document.
  2. Date: If the document issued date is available, it should not be past 90 days for a newly-registered merchant, unless otherwise indicated.

To protect your privacy, we recommend the following:

  1. Remove any transactional information or account balance details from the document if you do not want to share this information with us.
  2. Remove your credit card information (card number and/or transactional information) if it appears in the document.
  3. Please feel free to remove any other confidential information from the document. The document will be approved if the acceptance criteria (mentioned above) are met.

What should I do if I have a document that is not in any of the Amazon-supported languages?

You may need to submit officially translated documents if they are not in any of the Amazon supported languages (English, German, French, Spanish and Italian).

When is the information I have provided verified by Amazon Payments?

In certain cases we will verify all of the information you have provided when your account is created and updated, which may take a few days. During this time, you will be able to access your account in Seller Central. However, you will not be able to offer Amazon Pay on your website until all the verification has been completed. Most of the information we need from you will be outlined in the Seller Account Information page, although additional documents or information may be needed at a later date.

Why doesn't Amazon Payments support my country of establishment?

Your country of establishment may not be currently supported and included in the dropdown list for various reasons, including international restrictions or our ability to process information and documents in specific languages. Please check back in the future as Amazon Payments is continuously expanding the list of supported countries.

Why do I have to agree to the Terms and Conditions of Amazon Payments?

In order to use the Amazon Pay service, you need to open a payment account with Amazon Payments. Accepting the Amazon Payments terms and conditions is part of the registration process for your Amazon Payments account.

How does Amazon Payments handle my data?

In order to comply with applicable law, Amazon Payments  is required to collect and verify certain information to open and maintain your Amazon Payments account. Amazon Payments will solely use your data in accordance with its Privacy Notice. Amazon Payments  knows that you care about how information about you is used and shared, and we appreciate your trust that we will do so carefully and sensibly. The Amazon Payments Privacy Notices for APE and APUK demonstrates this.

How is the Primary contact person defined?

The primary contact person is the person who has access to the Amazon Payments account, provides the registration information on behalf of the account holder (the registered merchant) and initiates transactions such as disbursements and refunds. Actions taken by the primary contact person are deemed to be taken by the account holder.

How is the Beneficial Owner defined?

Beneficial owners are natural persons who own or control the business through direct or indirect ownership over 25% or more of the shares or voting rights of the business, or any other natural person who otherwise exercises control over the management of the business.

What does Amazon Payments expect to receive as a "Letter of authorization" for the Primary Contact Person?

It can be required to provide a Letter of Authorization to open an Amazon Payments merchant account. We expect to receive a statement like the one below, or something comparable.


Does Amazon have the right to change the agreement all of a sudden?

We are committed to maintaining a dynamic, safe and compliant marketplace for both buyers and merchants. From time to time, we need to make changes to the agreement as a necessary step towards this goal and other goals.

* Depending on the date and place of registration, you will receive the Amazon Pay service from either Amazon Payments Europe S.C.A. or Amazon Payments UK  Limited . This can be verified in your seller central account.